Tuesday 12 June 2007

3 peaks challenge with bmf and tenovus

This past weekend I worked for a fitness and events company called British Military Fitness. Go check out there website: www.britmilfit.com and see what they're all about. BMF was managing the safety for a charity event organised by Tenovus, www.tenovus.com, for cancer patients and research. This event is called the 3 Peaks challenge and comprises doing 3 of the highest peaks in the UK in 24 hours.
It was the highest peaks in Wales, Snowdon mountain, in England, Scafell Pike, and in Scotland, Ben Nevis. The object was to climb all three peaks, including transport between the peaks, in 24 hours. It's quite a mean challenge, but I'm thinking about trying to take part myself.
My role in all of this was merely as a driver. The best thing about this was that in one weekend I got to see the Wales, England and Scottish countrysides. First we went to Llanberis in Wales, a small town situated in the Snowdonia mountains. Here competitors climbed Snowdon, the easiest walk of the three on Saturday morning. Then the competitors where off to Scafell Pike in the Lake Districts of England. Unfortunately I did not get to go here because I had to take the long drive up to the Scottish Highlands and a small town called Fort William to go to Ben Nevis. The drive itself was fun, mainly because I got to drive the latest Range Rover with all the extras like DVD, Satellite Guidance, TV, etc. This vehicle is an absolute pleasure to drive and made the 10 hours back to London feel a little shorter.
Unfortunately we always seemed to be in a rush, so stopping to take photos was out of the question. All the photos I took was literally taken in the drive out of the window.
I posted some photos here of Wales and Scotland, not great I know, but it's all I could do!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've heard about this! Crazy stuff!
We have a mini 3 peaks event in Cape town once a year or so. Cross country runners race to summit Devils Peak, Table Mountain and Lions Head one after the other.....maybe one day when I'm skinny like you.