Wednesday 6 June 2007

teaching in the uk

When your agent phones and says, "Look, this school isn't one of our best, so it's going to be a hard day at the office," you must know......
Today I had my first UK teaching experience, and let me tell you, all those horror stories you here people tell, well, they're probably all true! It was an unbelievable day and the blatant disrespect for authority was almost scary - 14 year olds telling you to F#$%-off.
Classroom handouts are nothing more than paper planes, balls to aim towards the bin or someones head, or, if you lucky, to turn over and draw pictures on the back.
All in all a good day. At the end of the day I must just the British Pound to SA Rand conversion, and it might just seem worth it!


Theunis said...

welcome to hell boet! my sincerest sympathies.... been there, done that.

Imar Krige said...

Nooit bru. Dit klink miff. Good luck! Maybe you can beat them down with some river-ninja moves?

Unknown said...

Jon had a kid try and hit him in the nuts at practice, second time round the kid came off second best, didn't come close to him for the rest of the yr, i wish you luck i know i wouldn't be able to do it! kid or no kid f... off is where i draw the line! Looks like all is well over there?