I left Tamara alone at home for the weekend, so she decided to do some sightseeing of her own. Good friends Duncan and Ret took Tami into the English countryside. They visited this medieval moated castle known as Bodiam Castle.
Bodiam castle is a moated, curtain-walled castle which was built in 1385 to either reiterate the status & wealth of this ambitious knight of the realm or, as protection against French raids. It was dismantled in 1643. There is a ton of history attached to this castle, but I'm not going to go into it.
The photos Tami took here were, amazingly enough, taken with her cellphone, a Nokia 6300. We were both astonished at the quality of these photos.
If you feel like finding out more about this castle...www.nationaltrust.org.uk/main/w-vh/w-visits/w-findaplace/w-bodiamcastle.htm
1 comment:
Ahoy. You guys are rocking the interweb with your great blogging. Well done! You make me proud. You know I'm doing my academic report on blogging? I have to hand it in at the end of this month! Keep it up. Later!
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